Get in touch and join us to enjoy the member benefits.


Active Members.



Membership is open to all persons fulfilling the requirements of the membership categories. The Association shall consist of Ordinary, Student, Affiliate, and Life Members. All applications for membership shall be made in writing, on the prescribed form furnished by the Association and submitted to the Honorary Secretary.

Rights of Members
Obligations of Membership

Ordinary Members

i)   Have the right to actively participate in all General Meetings of the Section.

ii)  Have the right to participate in all other functions and meetings of the Section.

iii) Have the right to stand for election and hold office in the Section.

iv) Have the right to nominate or second a candidate for election to posts of the Section.

v)  Have the right to vote and be voted in a General Meeting of the Section.

vi) Shall receive all publications, notices and correspondences sent to members by the Sections.

Affiliate Members

i) Have the right to actively participate in all General Meetings of the Section but and are not eligible to vote or hold office in the Association.

ii) Have the right to participate in all other functions and meetings of the Section.

iii) Shall receive all publications, notices and correspondences sent to members by Section.

iv) Have such privileges that the Council may from time to time decide.

Student Members

i)  Have all the privileges of Ordinary Members or Associate Members except without the right to hold office or vote.

ii) Have such privileges that the Council may from time to time decide.

Life Members

i)  Have all the privileges of Ordinary Members or Associate Members.

ii) Are exempted from paying dues to the Section.

iii) Have such privileges that the Council may from time to time decide.


Category of IADR Membership. Click here for New Application and Renewal Application.

Ordinary Membership

RM 50
Yearly Fee
  • A person who is conducting, has conducted, or who is interested in the furtherance of research in any branch of science or in fields related to dental science. Persons are Malaysians or non-citizens working or residing in Malaysia. Members shall have the full rights and privileges of membership and are eligible to vote and to hold office in the Association.

Student Membership

RM 20
Yearly Fee
  • A person who is currently enrolled in undergraduate or postgraduate studies in a recognised academic institution who does not hold an academic appointment and who is interested in dental research. Student members must become Members when eligible or be dropped from membership. Individuals may be classified at the Student level for no more than 8 years. The Student Member shall have all the rights and privileges of membership but shall have no vote.

Affiliate Membership
(Clinician & Practitioners)

RM 50 Yearly Fee
  • The Affiliate Membership category is for any person who is not involved in research but has an interest in keeping up with the latest research, such as a practicing healthcare professional, research technician or assistant, a dental professional involved in Practice Based Research Networks or evidence-based dentistry, patient advocates or healthcare educators with primary teaching responsibility.

Life Membership

RM 0
Free of Charge
  • Persons who have attained the age of 60 years and have been members of the Section in good standing for at least 10 years. In the event of ill health or retirement, only the latter qualification will be necessary for Life Membership.

Mode of Payment.

Annual subscriptions are payable to the treasurer on admission and subsequently before January of every year.

Online Payment / Bank Transfer

Account No: 8003-3920-37
Name of Bank: CIMB BANK
Address of Bank: A-1-G, Block A No, 72A, Jalan Profesor Diraja Ungku Aziz, Jaya One, 46200 Petaling Jaya, Selangor
Swift Code: CIBBMYKL
Other Payment Details: Name (Ordinary/Associate/Student Fee)

Cheque / Bank Draft


IADR Malaysia Section, Faculty of Dentistry,
UiTM Sg Buloh Campus, Jalan Hospital 4700 Sg Buloh, Selangor.

Kindly complete the form and send the transaction slip/other proof of payment by e-mail to:

All payment received are non-refundable.